(Quick Reference)

6 Custom Widgets. Guide to Widget developers - Reference Documentation

Authors: Kaleidos Open Source

Version: 0.6.4

6 Custom Widgets. Guide to Widget developers

Besides the built in widgets, you can create your own custom widgets.

Edit your app Config.groovy and add this line for a domain class and property, where you define the custom widget class and some properties to configure.


grails.plugin.admin.domain.Conference = {
    widget "coordinates", "sample.MapWidget", height:400, width:600

In this example we configure for domain class Test and property address a custom widget call MyTestWidget. Some properties could be specified and will we copied directly to HTML component.

Groovy side

Inherit from Widget

Your custom widget should inherit from the class net.kaleidos.plugins.admin.widget.Widget. That is an abstract class, that has only one methods that you must implement:

  • String render(): The method to render your widget as html

Also, Widget define sever methods that you can overwrite if you need them

  • String renderBeforeForm(): Render code html before the form that contains all the widgets
  • String renderAfterForm(): Render code html after the form that contains all the widgets
  • Object getValueForJson(): Returns an object (usually an string) that whould be used in order to represent the current value of the widget when the widget is represented as JSON.
  • List<Map> getAssets(): Returns the list of assets (css and js) needed for the html representation of this widget. The list should be a Map containing the same elements that the tag "g:resource" accepts http://grails.org/doc/latest/ref/Tags/resource.html.

Last, there are several properties that you can use. Note that you don't write this properties, it is GrailsAdminPlugin who assign the values. You should use this properties as read-only.

  • Object value: The current value of the widget. Its type will depend on the actual widget. For example, on a TextInputWidget will be a String, and on DateInputWidget will be a Date.
  • Map htmlAttrs: A map of properties to be rendered on the html representation, like the name, if it is required, etc.
  • Map internalAttrs: A map of properties internal for the widget. Remember that the widget represents a property of a domain object, so:
    • domainObject: This is that domain object. Note that it could be null (for example, on the create screen)
    • propertyName: This is the name of that property.
    • domainClass: This is the class of that object.
    • relatedDomainClass: If the property is a relation with another domain class, this is that domain class. It could be null.

Error handling

If you want you can handle errors (expected or unspected) thrown by your widget. You should extend the method.

String renderError(Throwable t)

This method will be called after any exception thrown by your widget. So you can render your custom information.

When the widget throws an exception on the method "updateValue" (which parsers the form input to your custom types inside the widget) any error will be displayed in the form as if a validation error was displayed.


With all this, lets make a sample Widget. We will create a custom widget that show an addres on a map. It will be used for properties of type String.

Create the Widget Class

We will create our widget on the file src/groovy/sample/MapWidget.groovy

package sample

import net.kaleidos.plugins.admin.widget.Widget

class MapWidget extends Widget {

@Override String render() { return "" } }

Create the render method

We will have the address on the value attribute of the widget. We want that out widget create an iframe showing the address on the map.

String render() {
    def html = new StringBuilder()
    html.append("<iframe width='425' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0'

return html }

Upgrade the render method to allow edition

The render method is cool, and show the address on a map, but we want also to allow to update the address. In order to do so, we need to add an input field below the map. Also, it is important to render the htmlAttrs, in order to get all the properties needed. So we must add several lines to the render method

String render() {
    def html = new StringBuilder()
    html.append("<iframe width='425' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0'

html.append("<input class='form-control' type='text' ") htmlAttrs.each{key, value -> html.append("$key='${value}' ") } html.append("value='${value}' />") return html }

When you write html as this example, there is a risk of an XSS attack (for example, if the value is something like "<script>alert(0)</script>). So, instead of write the value directly, you should write it as value.encodeAsHTML(). Also, you should be carefull with the null values.

So you can write rhe values as


Frontend side

Most widgets won't need special css nor js. But if you need them, you can use them you can specify a custom method getAssets on the widget.


We will upgrade our MapWidget with a button that refresh the map with the current address. In order to do so, we will use a js and a css file.

List<Map> getAssets() {
    return [
        [ dir: "js", file: "admin/map.js", absolute: true ],
        [ dir: "css", file: "admin/map.css", absolute: true ]

Also, we will modify the render method with the code to show the button, and also with some divs to contain the elements, and several css classes.

String render() {
    def html = new StringBuilder()
    html.append("<div class='map-widget'>")
    html.append("<span class='map-container'>")
    html.append("<iframe width='425' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'")
    html.append("<input type='button' class='map-widget-refresh js-map-widget-refresh' value='Refresh' />")


html.append("<input type='text' class='form-control js-map-widget-text' ") htmlAttrs.each{key, value -> html.append("$key='${value}' ") } html.append("value='${value}' />") html.append("</div>") html.append("</div>") return html }


In order to give the button some style, we created the file WEB-APP/css/admin/map.css

.map-widget-refresh {
    background-color: #4040EA;
    border: 0 none;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    margin-left: 15px;
    padding: 5px;


And finally, to refresh the map, we have created the following javascript code on the file WEB-APP/js/admin/map.js

$(".map-widget").on( "click", ".js-map-widget-refresh", function(event) {
    var value = $(this).closest(".map-widget").find(".js-map-widget-text").val();
    var html = "<iframe width='425' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'";
    html += "src='https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp;q=" + value + "&amp;output=embed'></iframe>";

NOTE: GrailsAdminPlugin uses jquery, so it is available for your custom widgets also

More Frotend features

To customize the widget resources you must override the getAssets method

List<Map> getAssets() {
    return [
        [ dir: "mywidget", file: "example1.js", absolute: true ],
        [ dir: "mywidget", file: "example2.js", absolute: true ],
        [ dir: "mywidget", file: "example1.css", absolute: true ],
        [ dir: "mywidget", file: "example2.css", absolute: true ],
        [ dir: "mywidget/templates", file: "template1.handlebars", absolute: true ],
        [ dir: "mywidget/templates", file: "template2.handlebars", absolute: true ],

GrailsAdmin Javascript utils

GrailsAdmin has views & services that you can use in your widget if you want


//js file
//creating view
app.view('formView', ['$el'], function ($el) {
    //view code

//html file // call view <div view='deleteModal'></div>

The `$el` is a Jquery object with the dom element.


app.service('paginationService', [], function () {
    //service code

return { method: function () { //method code } }; });

//use app.view('formView', ['$el', 'paginationService'], function ($el, paginationService) { paginationService.method(); });

Javascript libraries

parsley bootstrap bootstrap-datepicker handlebars jQuery lodash select2


If you add handlebars in your assets grailsAdmin creates a script tag at the end of page with the content of the handlebars file. The id of the script tag is the filename without the extension

<script id="filename" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
        <h1>handlebars template</h1>

<p>{{text}}</p> </script>

You can use templateService to get the compiled html

app.view('formView', ['$el', 'templateService'], function ($el, templateService) {
     var templateVars = {title: 'exaple var'};
     var html = templateService.get('filename', templateVars);